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VIP Online Fitness Coaching

Do you travel a lot for work? Are you too busy to make it to the gym to meet your trainer? I get it. Sometimes life gets in the way and your workout gets pushed to the side. If this sounds like you, my VIP online fitness coaching program is your solution. No more truncated sessions because you got stuck at the office. No more no-show fees. Enjoy the convenience of exercising when your schedule allows and having a program that is tailored to fit your needs.   ​

Benefits of VIP Online Fitness Coaching:

  • Individualized exercise programs delivered to you on an intelligently designed app with exercise descriptions and videos.

  • Exercise technique video review. Do you wonder if you doing a movement correctly? Just take a video of yourself performing it and send it to me for review and feedback.

  • Nutritional guidance (daily calorie targets and macros breakdown).

  • Unlimited messaging (Seriously message me anytime. I usually respond within a couple hours, but no more than 24).

  • Weekly coaching call to discuss your program and progress.



  • Lean in 6 Weeks Challenge

  • 3-Month Kickstarter

  • 6-Month Transformation (the most popular choice)

  • Hybrid (combination of face-to-face & online) 


Call 773-520-1881 or email for more information and pricing.  

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